Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Assignment #3

1.) The name of the tank tops "wife beaters" is an issue because it carries a strong connotation an stereotype to those who wear them.
2.) the three problems with the definition are that it suggests a man beating his wife, in fashion male dominance where men beat their wives should not be present, and the term should portray flattery not violence.
3.) These definitions were put in the essay to provide strong factual evidence for their argument. The author's definition is different because she defines it as a skinny0ribbed white T-shirts that can be worn under another shirt or alone rather than a tank that abusive individuals wear..
4.) the objection to the definition would be that it means a t-shirt worn by abusive individuals however,  I do think that she states her argument that this is bad name very convincingly.
5.)I believe that an image like this could be helpful to her because it shows a good looking model wearing the tank top rather than an abusive husband.

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