Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marriage Equality Outline

The Supreme Court should decide to make same sex marriage legal throughout the United States.

The Supreme Court should decide to make same sex marriage legal because love is love regardless of sexual orientation and I do not believe it is the government’s position or authority to make that kind of judgment.

Same sex couples do not choose to love each other or to be gay, therefore they should not be punished for it.

This is just like straight couples cannot help who they love or the fact that they love the opposite sex. What or who can really decide if something so uncontrollable is wrong or right?

41% of American people are in favor of allowing same sex marriage.

The pope supports marriage equality. If the head of the Catholic church can support homosexuals, than we all can. He sees it as more of  a human rights issue rather than just same sex marriage.

As of now there is no place for gay married couples on the tax forms and so gay couples face larger bills and hassles.

Statistics show there are about 594,391 gay couples this does not include those not recorded or those who have not yet come out.

Most Americans in our generation support marriage equality.

Counter/ Rebuttals:
Some people may argue same sex marriage goes against American tradition however the divorce rates of today’s straight couple marriages had does that as well in an even worse way. Allowing same sex marriage does not “destroy the institution of marriage” nearly as much as those who cheat, divorce, or get married for anything other than love.


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